Local project

Here you can find informations to set up the field project (create new layers, projects, change settings, ...)

First step: Download QGIS

Select and download the suited verion of QGIS here: https://www.qgis.org/en/site/forusers/download.html

Second step: Open QGIS and install QFieldSync plugin:

Go to the "Plugins" tab, "Manage and install plugins..." -> "All" and search for "QField Sync". Install it.

Third step: First synchronization from the server:

Go to the "Plugins" tab, "QFieldSync" -> "QFieldCloud Projects Overview". Double click on the bee logo, a new field called "Server URL" will appear. Fill it with "https://dbgimap.hopto.org/" and enter you username and password you used to register on https://dbgimap.hopto.org/accounts/signup/. Click Sign In. You will see appear the projects list. click on the one you want to participate and clik on the "Synchronize Selected Cloud Project". Select the location where you want to save the project's folder. Now you have a local copy of the project on your computer.

To create a layer for the collection

You have the complete setup here