This is PMA's DBGI daily open-notebook.
Today is 2024.03.17
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- https://github.com/orgs/digital-botanical-gardens-initiative/discussions
Mooving notes to Pid
please find below our general answer for access to genetic resources in Switzerland.
Switzerland ratified the Nagoya Protocol in 2014 and since then has a regulation in place in the Federal Act on the Protection of Nature and Cultural Heritage (NCHA). Additionally, from February 2016 on, the Nagoya Ordinance has come into force. Concerning genetic resources accessed in Switzerland, the Nagoya Ordinance introduces a documentation requirement for people utilizing domestic genetic resources (cf. Art. 8 Nagoya Ordinance), which is applicable from January 2017 on.
Users of genetic resources have to record and store, namely
- name and address of the user
- a description of the genetic resource or the subject-matter and its utilization
- date and place of access to the genetic resource
- in case of acquisition of the genetic resource from a third person: name and address of this person and date of acquisition
- in case of transfer of the genetic resource: name and address of the subsequent user and date of transfer. In case of the resource being passed on to a third person, this information has to be handed over too.
Any subsequent research and development activities are legal as long as the documentation requirement and notification requirement, if applicable, are fulfilled by the user. You would need to notify and transmit this information to us in case of market authorization or commercialization. If you need a confirmation beforehand, you could send us a voluntary notification.
There is no need to obtain PIC or MAT from Switzerland before utilization of the genetic resource. Permissions might be needed to collect protected species or if you are planning to sample in protected areas, though. The cantons are responsible for these permissions.
You'll find the Ordinance, including Art. 8, here.
Please find more information about the protocol and its implementation in Switzerland, including the notification form in (DE/FR) on the following page.
Direct links to the notification form: German / French
many regards,
Regarding NAgoya protocol. Not directly related to DBGI here we talk about microbial strains isolated from soils of the botanical gardens.