
This is PMA's DBGI daily open-notebook.

Today is 2022.11.03

Todo today




To be tested and compared with @edouardbruelhart (Private) implementation. Its there https://gist.github.com/Maarrk/01172c1689897979b944c05f8ca948b3

Created the hooks and followed the tuto.

Lets try this now

bib.rutz_2022 (Private)

bib.gaudry_2021 (Private)

bib.walker_2022 (Private)

Not Working :( Discussing errors here https://discord.com/channels/717965437182410783/766135383335370783/1037768813552341035)

There was also this one and I dont remember if it was investigated https://github.com/mivanit/dendron-citations

Chat with Daniele Sylvestro

Presented the DBGI to Daniele and he would be keen to participate so that one more onboard ! Info on Daniele's research here https://www.unifr.ch/bio/en/research/eco-evol/silvestro-group.html

We might prepare a joint Master thesis proposal which would have for objective to test hypothesis which will be useful for the DBGI. Notably regarding the correlation between Phylogenetic Diversity and metabolomes

Deined a setup for daily notes



Todo tomorrow

Today I learned that